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ARCTIC ALPHABET photography book and text by Pascale Delhayebook by

ISBN 978-1-7771894-0-2

Being passionate about photography and polar bears, I first traveled to the Arctic in 2011 - to put it mildly, it was life-changing and I was hooked.

After many, almost yearly, return trips and thousands of photos, I am thrilled and proud to "share the bears" and all that the Arctic has to offer in my first book of photography.

ARCTIC ALPHABET est disponible à Montréal chez:

Arts and Kardz, Montréal  QC

Glup Boutique, Lachine  QC

Kidlink Books & Toys, Montréal  QC

Leonidas Culture Chocolat, Westmount  QC

Librairie Bonder Books, Montréal Ouest  QC

Librairie Clio, Pointe-Claire  QC

Librairie St-Henri Books, Montréal  QC

Livres Babar Books, Pointe-Claire  QC

Livres et Disques Encore, Montréal  QC

Maison Lipari Décarie, Montréal  QC

Et, à Québec chez:

Librairie Pantoute, Québec  QC

ARCTIC ALPHABET se trouve aussi dans les bibliothèques suivantes:

Atwater Library and Computer Centre, Westmount  QC

Lower Canada College Library, Montréal  QC

Merton Elementary School Library, Montréal  QC

Naramata Public Library, Naramata  BC

Octogone Public Library, Lasalle  QC

Westmount Public Library, Westmount  QC

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